You decide which of them you want to shake off – every user has individual requirements, blanket recommendations are forbidden. This protects privacy and you do not paralyze system functions that rely on features that can be deactivated. Microsoft subsequently receives usage information (telemetry), but not too much.

It is best to limit yourself to adjusting just a few data protection levers. Using an “anti-espionage tool” – no matter which one – to close all the bulkheads does not make sense in the community sense: Users even harm themselves, because if they do not pass through feedback data via automatic, they do not contribute to a better OS for your own devices. Microsoft does not have the means to test all possible configuration constellations. Since, unlike Apple, for example, customers mostly use hardware and software from different manufacturers, quality control using a large database is important. For Windows 11 there should be annual major release new releases. This is a complex process, even more so in the past than it is today, when there were technical upgrades instead of updates. In contrast to older Windows editions, user help plays a key role in the current OS development: Up until now, major updates (feature updates) for Windows 10 that increase the operating system version number have been released every six months. The line between espionage and help with quality work is narrow – ultimately it depends on whether you trust the provider. Much of the data collected by Windows 10 and Windows 11 is used to improve the quality that Microsoft receives in order to develop a better-functioning operating system.